Vision & Values
Our Vision
At Kenmont, our vision is for all our children to be able to reach their full potential, be ready for the next stage of their education and to be life-long learners.
The Kenmont Way nurtures confidence and happiness by experiencing a creative, broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by the Kenmont Values.
We have high expectations for all children in their academic learning, responsibility to their community and as future global citizens.
Our Values
Each month, one value is explored and celebrated with the children and the adults at our school.
The Values are part of a 2 year cycle:
1. Caring, courage, patience, friendship, hope, love, co-operation, responsibility, fairness, independence, appreciation
2. Respect, happiness, peace, generosity, honesty, simplicity, trust, unity, understanding, thoughtfulness, tolerance
Through these core values we aspire for our staff and children to treat and behave towards one and other in a supportive and respectful manner.
We aspire for all our pupils achieving to the best of their ability in a school community with high expectations. We value learning and community above all else.
At Kenmont we follow a values based education exploring and celebrating a different value each month.