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Kenmont Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

Nursery Admissions

Nursery Admissions

Children start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday.

Waiting lists open in the term before they are due to start. It is from the waiting list that children are admitted. Kenmont is a one form entry school with 26 full-time and part-time Nursery places available.   We are currently able to offer free fulltime (30 hour) places to children.

At Kenmont there are more applications for Nursery places than there are spaces. This means that not all parents who put their child’s name on the Nursery waiting list are offered a place for their child. Kenmont follow the same criteria that the Borough uses for Reception – Year 6 admissions. Siblings are offered first, followed by distance (as the crow flies).

Although intake is at the start of each term, places can be offered throughout the Academic Year if a child already admitted leaves. We cannot guarantee your child will be offered a place if they are on the waiting list. Unfortunately, we also cannot guarantee that there will be a Reception place available for children who already attend the Nursery class; please see the below section for further information on Reception admissions.

Under present education law, there is no right of appeal if your child is unsuccessful in getting a nursery place.

To apply for a space in our Nursery, please contact the school office. 

Nursery children are able to attend our breakfast club (£3 a day) that opens at 7.30am and can be booked into the Aktiva after school club open until 6.00pm.  (There is a charge for After school care)