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Kenmont Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

Personal Development

Personal Development

Intent Statement

What is personal development at our schools?

Personal Development (PD) focusses on “preparing pupils for their adult lives, teaching them to understand how to engage with society and providing them with plentiful opportunities to do so.” (Ofsted Inspection Handbook July 2022 paragraph 292)

Personal Development at BKW Federation is focussed on developing the whole child in order that they reach their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. We aim for all pupils to grow into well- educated, respectful, responsible adults who are:

  • Comfortable with who they are and have a deep sense of belonging
  • Respectful of others and see difference as positive and not a threat
  • Able to make a positive contribution to school life, the wider community and society in general
  • Happy, safe, confident and resilient
  • Financially secure
  • Model citizens prepared for life in modern Britain


PD underpins all areas of the curriculum and is therefore taught daily through a variety of lessons and Circle Time sessions. Some aspects are taught in personal, social, health, citizenship and economic education (PSHCE), a comprehensive programme of Relationship and Health Education (RHE), science, computing (online safety) and PE.

Other aspects are delivered through a comprehensive enrichment programme including:

Trips (day and residential)

Visiting speakers


Sports clubs

Performing arts

Gardening Club

After school clubs

Theme Days

Religious and cultural events

Mentoring programmes 

Leadership programmes e.g. School Council 

Music performance and events


These are provided internally and in partnership with external organisations such as West London Zone Charity, Mind, Various Museums, Places of Worship and Pelican Music.

A child’s minimum entitlement

Personal Development Beyond the Classroom  

Each of our Federation schools has a List of Experiences that each child should experience during their time at school - The exact events may vary year to year. :

Beyond the Classroom  - opportunities for ALL

Enjoy a picnic outside

Learn an instrument

Learn a language

Watch a movie with


Make something and eat it

Celebrate Dance Afternoon

Take part in an Arts week

Visit a synagogue

Visit a church

Visit a mosque

Visit a temple

Visit a gurdwara


Visit central London

Take part in a performance

Speak /debate publically

Meet an author

Represent the school

Use social media safely

Learn to swim

Take part in World Book Day celebrations

Go to the Natural History Museum

Go to the British Museum

See the River Thames

Visit the theatre

Visit a farm

Go on a residential trip

Take part in sporting events

Visit Kidzania

Visit the Museum of London

Post a letter

Explore the local area

Visit the Science Museum

Visit an art gallery

Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum

Meet the Emergency


Plant seeds and see them grow

Use real tools

Bring a relative to school

Learn basic first aid

Support a charity

Take part in a concert

Have a buddy in another year group

Visit Kensington Gardens

Visit the Tower of London

Visit a university

 Vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils

Although strong indicators, we are fully aware that advantage, disadvantage and vulnerability to underachievement are not entirely linked to finances or parental academic ability. We believe that pupils who are vulnerable to underachievement must have the opportunities outlined in this document to ensure their personal development and prepares them for the next stage in their education.

To ensure all pupils have equal access and opportunities, disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils may be identified by the class teacher, SENDco, members of SLT and parents based on the following criteria:

  • Pupil is falling behind their peers and performing below the national average
  • Pupil is from a financially secure background but family members do not have the capacity to provide deemed experiences due to e.g. workload, mental health issues, caring for an elderly relative or other viable reasons.
  • Pupil has poor mental health, low self-esteem or low confidence
  • Pupil Premium Student
  • Pupil is capable of achieving more


Careful consideration will be given to ensuring barriers to participation are removed by:

  • Considering e.g. cost, timing, location, logistics, confidence, parental support
  • Communicating message through ethos and practice that all pupils from all backgrounds belong and are valued
  • Providing a provision that is appropriately tailored both to suit and to challenge the pupils we serve

Identified pupils will be targeted to ensure that in addition to the expected enrichment, they will have access to extra-curricular activities that will open them up to a world of awe and wonder and make them lifelong learners.

Personal Development Policy Statement

 For further information please see our Personal Development Policy that can be found on our policies page.