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Kenmont Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

English - Writing and Grammar

English - Writing and Grammar

English at Kenmont

Intent: At Kenmont our aim is to teach our pupils to become enthusiastic and fluent readers, expressive and creative writers, articulate and confident speakers. We understand that cultivating an ability to listen and learn, to think independently and to clearly communicate ideas and opinions both orally and in writing are important milestones in every child’s development. We want our pupils to be as passionate about English as their teachers: about books, writers, poems, poets and plays; about writing - whatever the genre, whatever the purpose; about experimenting, taking risks and enjoying this rich and exciting, living language.

Implementation: We believe our children are happy and motivated learners when they are truly engaged, using all their senses. Reading for pleasure is central to the ethos of the school. We believe that a love of reading and an introduction to the wealth of world literature is the pathway to stimulating each child’s creativity and imagination. We recognise that the pleasure of reading for reading’s sake is a life- long gift and that an appreciation of both modern and classic children’s literature may not only inspire children to write but can also develop a child’s vocabulary. We know that good readers make good writers. We understand that appreciation and understanding of a range of literature helps motivate children to write. We understand the importance of teaching our children the core skills of handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar and we recognise that inspiration and creativity can be nurtured by offering stimulating experiences both in the classroom and outside. We aim to consistently provide a variety of stimulating, vivid and real experiences such as author, poet or illustrator visits, visiting a theatre, performing a poem, presenting in assembly or putting on a play – to help each child to develop confidence and self-expression.

Impact: We prepare our children for the now and the tomorrow. At the heart of our teaching is a desire for our students to engage, succeed and reach the very best of their abilities. At Kenmont we strive to develop the language and literacy skills so that every


Progression of Skills and Knowledge

 Our progression documents detail how our curriculum builds pupils knowledge and skills over their time at the school.
Writing skills progression

Writing Long Term Overview and Year Group Plans

Whole School OverviewY1 Overview

Y2 Overview

Y3 Overview

Y4 Overview

Y5 Overview

Y6 Overview