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Kenmont Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

School Development Plan

School Development Plan

Kenmont Primary School Development Plan is an annual plan written each academic year running from September until July. 

The plan reflects our vision and values, aims and goals for the future.  It priorities actions and developments following the school leadership’s evaluation of the previous year’s academic performance of pupils as well as the wider provision offered by the school.

Each plan is developed following discussions with our stakeholders including staff, pupils and governors. Our School Development Plan, linked to the Ofsted Inspection Framework areas sets out the key priorities for our school.

2021/22 Development Plan Objectives

Area of Development Objective
Quality of Education To ensure that children working below Age Related Expectation (ARE) in English and Maths make accelerated progress so that the percentage of children at ARE is above National averages.  
To further increase the percentage of children working at Greater Depth within the Expected Standard in English and Maths.
Behaviour and Attitude of Pupils

To support pupils’ well-being, physical and emotional development so all aspects of school maintain a purposeful and productive environment. 

Personal Development To further develop pupils’ personal development so that children make a positive contribution to the school and wider community.
Leadership and Management To enable all leaders to establish links with partner schools, engage with stakeholders and drive improvements in the areas they are responsible for.